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Project Proposal

Topic & Target Audience

For this project I am wanting to create a website to share moments of kindness in collaboration with the community of Davis. The target audience for this website are those who visit the Davis centennial seal and scan the QR code. The intention of this website is to create a local yet virtual community bulletin board to where community members can reflect on moments of kindness and participate in communcal storytelling.

Partnered vs. Solo Work

For this project I intend to work alone since I haven't heard any other students mentioning wanting to work on the same project. The last time I had to work on a group coding project I ended up completing about 90% of the project by myself so sometime's it seems safer to work solo. Since I am only creating a 3-page website and I know the HTML and CSS will be fairly straighforward, I think it is feasable for me to complete this project by myself.

Feature Considerations

This project will include the following features:

Forwarad Thinking

I am not sure exactly how I will handle data storage over the long-term.

I am not exactly sure how I will link the pre-produced images in the form to connect with the dataset. I know that I will have to leave an empty space for it in the schema.

I am not sure how I will handle content moderation, and for this reason I think it may be better to make this website 16+ or 18+ or require parental supervision.