When I had gone out to conduct my interviews, I had originally imagined that I would stand near the Compassion Bench and interview people who stopped by or were walking at a leisurely pace. However, when I went out to conduct interviews everyone who passed by the bench was walking quickly and nobody stopped or was walking at an approachable pace. I decided to venture over to the rest of Central Park and see who I could interview.
I conducted my target audience interviews in Central Park in Davis. It was important to interview community members who spend time in and around Central Park and the Compassion Bench since this is where the QR codes should be placed. I interviewed two community members, Pegg Smith and Jeanne Telford (did not confim spelling), who are also volunteers for the Central Park Gardens.
While conducting these interviews certain aspects of this project became more concrete, specifically the importance of having a design that is responsive from mobile through desktop. Both interviewees communicated how much they appreciate a website that can be used quickly while out and about, with the option to go to the desktop version for a more comprehensive, detailed interactive experience.
It was a very fruitful interview process that brought me great joy. The community members I interviewed had known David Breaux and thought it was a wonderful idea to extend his work. It was a productive pivot in interview location, as I wound up interviewing members who I believe would actually take the time to engage with this product and experience. Additionally, Pegg expressed enthusiasm around the idea of linking to the Central Park Gardens website and collaborating with the garden to place QR codes at benches there.